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Youth at the forefront: five key learnings from the UN Action Days

Young people were at the forefront at the UN Headquarters on Friday, ahead of the Summit of the Future – a unique opportunity for world leaders to tackle present and future global challenges, while modernizing outdated international institutions. It provides a crucial platform to amplify the voices of youth within the multilateral system, positioning them as key players in driving global cooperation forward. Youth, with their fresh perspectives and bold ideas, challenge conventional thinking, hold leaders accountable, and advocate for the well-being of future generations. The Action Days, led by the United Nations Youth Office, kick-started with a youth-led afternoon, uniting stakeholders under the theme “#YouthLead for the Future: We believe in the promise of a better world for all,” to build momentum for the upcoming Summit.
I had the incredible opportunity yesterday to witness the firsthand the energy, passion, and commitment of youth leaders from around the globe. Engaging in thought-provoking discussions and collaborative sessions, I was inspired by the innovative ideas and bold actions presented by young changemakers. As I reflect on this experience, I am excited to share my five key takeaways from the summit, which highlight the crucial role of youth in shaping the future of global governance and sustainable development.
The Summit emphasized that youth are not merely the leaders of tomorrow but also the changemakers of today. It called for actively involving young people in decision-making processes at local, national, and global levels. By ensuring that youth voices are heard in political, social, and economic discussions, their energy, creativity, and fresh perspectives can contribute significantly to tackling global issues like climate change, inequality, and peacebuilding. This involvement means more than just consultation—it involves creating platforms for youth to lead initiatives, co-create policies, and drive innovation toward sustainable solutions.
The Summit highlighted the persistent challenges of inequality and exclusion faced by youth from marginalized communities, including girls, refugees, and those from rural areas. It was emphasized that creating a truly inclusive society requires dismantling barriers to education, employment, and participation in governance. This means targeted policies that address the specific needs of these groups, ensuring that all young people have equal opportunities to succeed, regardless of their background. Inclusion was framed as not just a moral imperative but also a means to unlock the full potential of every society by harnessing the talents of all its young people.
The Summit stressed the transformative power of science, technology, and innovation in empowering youth to tackle global challenges. Youth engagement in scientific research, technological development, and entrepreneurial innovation was seen as a key driver for progress in addressing issues such as climate change, food security, and healthcare. Encouraging youth-led innovations, providing them with resources such as funding and mentorship, and building an enabling environment where youth can experiment and take risks were underscored as essential steps to fostering a new generation of innovators who will shape the future.
A key learning from the Summit was the need to equip youth with the skills required for the future, particularly in the rapidly evolving digital and green economies. The future job market will demand competencies in technology, artificial intelligence, and sustainability, making it essential to redesign educational systems to align with these emerging sectors. Public and private partnerships were encouraged to provide youth with training programs, mentorship, and access to technology, ensuring that they are not left behind in the new economy and are prepared for meaningful, well-paying jobs.
The Summit emphasized the critical need to integrate youth into global governance structures, ensuring their voices shape policies that directly impact their future. With global challenges like climate change, inequality, and digital transformation growing more complex, the inclusion of youth in international decision-making bodies was seen as essential. Young people offer fresh perspectives, innovative solutions, and a deeper understanding of emerging global trends. The Summit called for the creation of pathways for youth to engage in multilateral organizations, diplomatic forums, and international policymaking, empowering them to take leadership roles in shaping a more inclusive, equitable, and sustainable global governance system.
The writer is currently the chief business officer at The Daily Star. He is also a stars alumni and IVLP exchange alumni of the US State Department.
